Meeting Date: Wednesday, May 15th, 2019
Meeting Date: Wednesday, May 15th, 2019
Dinner: Nancy Rumph
Dinner: Nancy Rumph
Celebrating 30+ Years!
396 Halls Hill Rd
Colchester, CT 06415
(860) 537 - 0214
Parent Portal
Preschool Curriculum Examples
Age Group: Preschool
Activity: Making ice cream
Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards:
Social and Emotional Development Strand E- Develop social relationships
Early Mathematical Discovery Strand A- Understand the attributes and relative properties of objects (measurement and data)
Cognition Strand A- Develop effective approaches to learning
In this learning activity preschoolers measured, counted out ingredients, and took turns by passing the bowl of cream while shaking it to create ice cream.
Age Group: Preschool
Activity: Sorting natural materials with tweezers
Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards:
Physical Health and Development Strand B- Early learning experiences will support children to develop fine motor skills
Science Strand C- Early learning experiences will support children to understand patterns, process and relationships of living things
Cognition Strand B- Early learning experiences will support children to use logic and reasoning
In this learning activity children were given a bin of natural materials found outside. Using tweezers, children exercised their fine motor skills to sort the items into different categories based on one or two attributes
Age Group: Preschool
Activity: Building a house that will resist wind in connection
with "The Three Little Pigs"
Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards:
Literacy Strand D- Early learning experiences will support children to gain book appreciation and knowledge
Science Strand B- Early learning experiences will support children to engage in the process of engineering
Cognition Strand B- Early learning experiences will support children to use logic and reasoning
In this learning activity children listened to the classic story, "The Three Little Pigs". Given a variety of materials, their teacher challenged them to create a house for a pig that would withstand wind. They created houses and tested their strength with a fan. The teacher then prompted children to retell the story using toy pigs and the houses the children built.
Age Group: Preschool
Activity: Using balls of different size and shape to explore
concepts of gravity and surface area
Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards:
Science Strand A- Early learning experiences will support children to apply scientific practices
Science Strand D- Early learning experiences will support children to understand physical sciences
Cognition Strand A- Early learning experiences will support children to use logic and reasoning
In this learning activity children were given different types of balls. They dipped them in water and dropped them onto colored paper. Teachers prompted them to drop the balls from different heights and use different levels of force. Children were encouraged to think about the impact of their actions of the type of marks the balls made on the paper.